360° rotational bindings
Broko bindings provide simplicity, fluidity, and flexibility to make snowboarding and snowkitivg more fun and awesome for everyone. 360 degrees of rotation with Broko Bindings increases your range of motion for better freedom and control. These are subtle movements and minor corrections to give you the best stance and angles for any particular terrain or fall line. You remain in control of your foot position and your board at all times. In jumps, while in the air, the foot naturally positions itself in the most beneficial position for landing (within the constraints of a snowboard in general, of course), just as you do when jumping from a wall or when running and jumping. Second, upon impact, the foot further rotates to absorb the impact and minimize stress on the knee and ankle. The two motions described leave the foot, ankle and knee in the best position to continue riding after landing, increasing the probability of a successful landing, improving overall enjoyment, and reducing risk of injury from a less-than-optimal landing.
win a sponsorhip!
Send us a video of you performing on Broko Bindings, or even a testimonial, and tell us why we should sponsor you. We are looking to sponsor great boarders and snowkiters. Sponsorship at various levels includes Brokos, cash, team jackets and gear, and Donek Broko Snowboards.
Donek Broko Snowboards - Park Twin and Phoenix
Broko Bindings POV
The video above explains all about Brokos in just about 2 minutes.
Broko Install on board
Brokos being installed on a board.
Brokos day at vail
Brokos allow your feet to natural adopt the best stance in any conditions throughout a run. This relives stress, improves control, and makes for better and more aggressive runs and tricks. Increase your skill level just by installing Brokos.
Brokos demo at vail shangri la
Brokos Snowkiting
Tyler Spence of Stoke Riders talks about riding Brokos and then shows the snowkiting action. Stoke Riders is offering demo bindings. Email them at info@stokeriders.com or visit their website www.stokeriders.com