Ravenwood Ukulele: Key of C (Out of stock)

Ravenwood Ukulele: Key of C (Out of stock)
Notice! We are currently out of stock, we will restock around June/July. Any orders placed will not be fulfilled until we restock.
This beautifully crafted ukulele, made from acacia wood, has a custom made fret board with every note being in the key of C. Jamming along with friends has never been easier with this; anything you play will match what is being played on another of these same uke’s. Randomly picking or strumming on this also stays all in one key. You will sound like a professional with how well each note harmonizes with the rest you play. Slides get a unique sound not found on other instruments as each slide stays in key. Excellent for beginners as everything they play will match in the same key.
“Our Ukulele plays for itself”